This method uses healing knowledge that is several thousand years old (on which acupuncture is based) and modern understanding of the role of thoughts on our emotions and that emotions are located in the mind AND the body. The procedure works by tapping specific locations on your body (while thinking about the target problem) to release the trapped emotional energy. Anyone can learn it in a short time, people from infants to adults can benefit, it is totally portable, works virtually instantly, and there are no unpleasant side effects.
We are very excited to be able to make this tool available and accessable for everyone to use for themselves to be in control of the day-to-day emotional stresses of life. We welcome feedback and readers or potential readers are invited to visit the website for the book.
“One of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century was the intimate connection between body, mind, and spirit. Drs. Pratt and Lambrou are on the cutting edge, turning that discovery into techniques that work. If you want to experience more joy and fulfillment, pick up a copy of Code to Joy. It could change your life.”
Larry Dossey, M.D., New York Times bestselling author of Reinventing Medicine and The Power of Premonitions, cochair of the Panel on Mind/Body Interventions of the Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health
“One of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century was the intimate connection between body, mind, and spirit. Drs. Pratt and Lambrou are on the cutting edge, turning that discovery into techniques that work. If you want to experience more joy and fulfillment, pick up a copy of Code to Joy. It could change your life.”
Larry Dossey, M.D., New York Times bestselling author of Reinventing Medicine and The Power of Premonitions, cochair of the Panel on Mind/Body Interventions of the Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health